Whether you’ve had a bad day, are feeling under the weather, or just need something extra comforting for your weeknight dinner , when it’s cold out, there’s nothing better than a hearty bowl of hot, steaming soup . What do you do come summertime though? We’re no strangers to […]
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Whether you’ve had a bad day, are feeling under the weather, or just need something extra comforting for your weeknight dinner, when it’s cold out, there’s nothing better than a hearty bowl of hot, steaming soup. What do you do come summertime though? We’re no strangers to a pesky warm weather cold or a blasting too-cold AC you can’t turn down at work—a bowl of soup is just the trick to ward off any summer bummers. Check out our list of 24 summer soups–trust us, they’re not just for winter anymore.
One of the best ways to make sure your soups are extra seasonal is to rely on some of summer’s best fruits and veggies. Gazpacho, a cold soup originating in Spain, is the perfect example: For one, made from just perfectly ripe tomatoes, a little vinegar, and salt, and for two, it’s served chilled, making it extra refreshing when it’s hot out. You’ll also find varieties made from other summer veggies like summer squash or cucumber—we’ve even got a recipe for watermelon gazpacho.
If cold soup sounds too strange for you, don’t fret. We’re highlighting summer produce like summer squash, sweet corn, and bell peppers in warm soups too. Check out our zucchini soup, our stuffed peppers soup (use a rainbow of bell peppers!), or our bacon jalapeño corn chowder. Try dusting off your favorite winter soup recipes, and replacing ingredients with summer-y veggies too—keep the proportions the same, and you might just create a new favorite.
Another reason we love soup in the summer? Eating hot (both in temperature and level of spice) foods can actually make you feel cooler when it’s hot out. The science behind it is that it makes you sweat more and raises your body temperature a bit, which lowers the temperature difference between you and the weather outside. Check out the spicy soups on this list, like our seafood gumbo, our Thai chicken coconut soup, or our kimchi tofu stew to see if it works for you!
You know what goes great with soup? Salad! Check out our top healthy dinner salad ideas and summer salad recipes too.
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