Take a break, and make an iced coffee. (Photo: Pexels) To beat Monday blues and an unforgiving summer, there’s nothing better than a refreshing glass of iced coffee. It’s one way to hit pause and regain some vigour to power through deadlines. Here’s a list of recipes that begins […]
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To beat Monday blues and an unforgiving summer, there’s nothing better than a refreshing glass of iced coffee. It’s one way to hit pause and regain some vigour to power through deadlines. Here’s a list of recipes that begins with a straightforward iced coffee, and moves on to various styles, including the popular Vietnamese version, a fun Korean drink and the meditative Japanese style.
A straightforward iced coffee
With just three ingredients and under five minutes, what you get is a drink filled with vim and vigour. Try this recipe when you are hard-pressed for time, and need a shot of energy to plough through the day.
Vietnamese iced coffee
Milkmaid is a glorious ingredient. If you are not on a low-sugar diet, this is the drink for you. It tastes of travel, childhood and provides the much needed respite on a hot summer day. When you are not working out of a cafe, this is the drink for you.