5 Simple recipes for delectable grilled sandwiches

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Whether you’re in the middle of a busy week or at the end of a long day at work, preparing a quick snack can be the need of the hour. However, having family members who are picky or even children who are fussy eaters at home simply makes this […]

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Whether you’re in the middle of a busy week or at the end of a long day at work, preparing a quick snack can be the need of the hour. However, having family members who are picky or even children who are fussy eaters at home simply makes this task more difficult. Therefore, as sandwiches are universally loved by people of all ages, and can be made with a ton of variety; they make the perfect choice. We bring you five simple recipes for grilled sandwiches to help you whip up a hot snack in the winter with little to no effort on your part.

  1. Pepper chicken and mayonnaise sandwich

If you love some grilled chicken then this is the a great choice for you as most of the prep for this one can be done beforehand. So you may simply assemble it at a moment’s notice to pack a quick lunch or even grab a midnight snack. All you need to do is chop 200 grams of chicken into cubes and then boil it. Once cooled, you may shred it finely and then season with salt and pepper. Simply dice 2 onions finely along with 3 chillies and mix it into the chicken. Then spread some mayonnaise on two slices of bread and spoon the mixture of chicken on the bread and toast or grill the sandwich. You may then cut and relish it!

  1. Cucumber and cream cheese grilled sandwich

Whet your appetite with these easy to cook cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches. All you must do is slather two slices of brown bread with butter and then a generous amount of creamcheese. Sprinkle the slices with a pinch of freshly ground pepper and salt. Next, finely slice cucumber once it is peeled into even slices and lay them over the bread. You may add a leaf of iceberg lettuce to add more crunch to your sandwich. It is now time to grill this for a few minutes and then snack away!

  1. Sweet potato and spinach grilled sandwich

This sandwich is ideal in case you’re going vegan and need a suitable meal alternative. Simply peel, boil and slice a sweet potato and lay it on buttered bread. Then sauté spinach, diced onions and season the mixture in the pan with basil and salt. Next, spread the veggies over the potato on the bread and sprinkle some nutritional yeast on it as it makes an excellent alternative to cheese. Grill this loaded sandwich and enjoy!

  1. The healthy veggie-salad sandwich

If you wish to pack this snack with lots of nutrition for children who simply refuse to eat leafy greens, we have got it covered. This recipe for a healthy veggie sandwhich shall be just the snack for your household. All you need is buttered bread, a bit of cabbage, sliced cucumbers, kale, diced onions, finely sliced tomatoes and baby spinach. Simply slather a little mustard and tomato ketchup on the slices of bread and then generously load all the diced veggies on the slices. Season with pepper and salt before you grill and serve this delight.

  1. A Three-cheese grilled sandwich

If your kids are fans of the famous grilled cheese sandwich, then this one is for you as it takes it to the next level. All you need is bread, butter, any brand of processed cheese and also, Monterey Jack and Gruyère cheese. Now layer the slices of buttered bread with all three types of finely sliced cheese. Next, season it with salt, oregano and a pinch of chilli flakes. Next, grill it to perfection and it’s ready to serve.

The next time you’re hankering for a scrumptious nibble, then cook using any of these recipes to relish a wholesome dinner in minutes!

Also Read: 5 Recipes from Indore to savor the culinary best of Madhya Pradesh

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