Kimchi recipes that are taking over TikTok

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Here are five delicious kimchi recipes to get you started with this savory dish. 1. Homemade kimchi. Before cooking any meal with kimchi, it’s a good idea to know how to make it as a standalone dish. 2. Kimchi pancakes. Knowing how to make kimchi opens up a wide […]

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Here are five delicious kimchi recipes to get you started with this savory dish. 1. Homemade kimchi. Before cooking any meal with kimchi, it’s a good idea to know how to make it as a standalone dish. 2. Kimchi pancakes. Knowing how to make kimchi opens up a wide variety of dishes, like these tasty kimchi pancakes. 3. Kimchi Spam fried rice . Who knew kimchi and spam worked so well together? For this recipe, add chopped onions, minced garlic, and salt to a pan. 4. Kimchi carbonara . Pasta lovers will definitely want to try this kimchi version. For this recipe, begin by cooking your pasta. 5. Pork belly kimchi. This hearty dish is loaded with flavor. Start by cooking pork in a skillet and sprinkle on some seasoning

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