Photo Credit: Ivan Pantic via Photo Credit: DebbiSmirnoff via You’ve probably heard of the famous keto diet. You may have tried it yourself or know someone who has. This diet was introduced in the 1990s and was originally created for those diagnosed with epilepsy or children with […]
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You’ve probably heard of the famous keto diet. You may have tried it yourself or know someone who has.
This diet was introduced in the 1990s and was originally created for those diagnosed with epilepsy or children with certain medical conditions. It gained popularity as a method for weight loss in the early 2000s.
The keto diet aids you in reaching ketosis—a state in which your body doesn’t have enough carbs to burn for energy, so it uses the energy stored in fat to power you through your day instead. You do this by restricting your carb intake to 20-50 grams per day and replacing them with protein. Keep in mind that your body does need carbs to function correctly, but an excess of carbs can lead to noticeable weight gain and increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. This can be challenging if you have a sweet tooth because many of your favorite desserts are likely jam-packed with carb-loaded ingredients. Thankfully, you don’t have to completely give up your favorite after-dinner treats to maintain a traditional keto diet. These recipes have all the flavor you love with half the carbs!
The traditional version of this classy dessert is perfect for almost any occasion but is unfortunately high in carbs and sugar. Low Carb with Jennifer’s delicious twist on this classic allows you to enjoy that unmistakable flavor with a significantly more keto-friendly recipe and practically indistinguishable from a regular cheesecake. You only need to make two replacements to make your cheesecake healthier—swapping your sweetener with a sugar-free alternative and using a gluten-free crust. If you really want to lower your carb count with this dessert, you can forgo the crust altogether! Pinky-promise, this dessert isn’t too good to be true!
You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! Especially in the summer, ice cream is one of the most widely consumed desserts as the days get warmer and warmer. So, this indistinguishable recipe is perfect for partaking in your favorite summer traditions while maintaining a keto diet. With half the carbs of a regular ice cream bar and cheaper than store-brand keto treats, this recipe is too tempting not to try! Wholesome Yum gives this recipe a 5-star review alongside a 25-minute preparation time. Try it out on family and friends and see if they can tell the difference!
What’s better than a gooey chocolate keto dessert? A gooey keto dessert that takes less than 5 minutes to make! If you’re a fan of the spongey delightfulness of cake and an even bigger fan of low-carb alternatives, this is the recipe for you. If you don’t have any on hand, any low-calorie sweetener will do the job just as well if you don’t have any on hand. Since this recipe is void of flour and won’t rise, Kirbie Cravings recommends using mini chocolate chips so they won’t stick stubbornly to the bottom of your mug. With this quick and easy low-carb dessert, you might not even remember you’re on a diet at all!
These brownies are the perfect dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth while ensuring you maintain your dietary goals. Not only are they dense, sweet, and mouth-watering, they are incredibly easy to make (and even easier to eat)! This recipe utilizes almond flour, a popular low-carb alternative to white flour, alongside butter and chocolate chunks to formulate a delectable dessert that contains a mere 2 grams of carbs. According to Low Carb Spark, the recipe gives you plenty of freedom to add in your favorite extra ingredients, including nuts, peanut butter, or fresh frozen fruit!
You don’t have to cut out dessert to maintain your health goals! Any of these recipes are perfect for indulging with intention. Go ahead, give them a go!
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