Every Sunday, frame Myths and facts Act Wonderful Sunday Brings fun facts about food. In addition, the public has the opportunity to replenish the menu with many delicious recipes! Learn step by step and surprise the whole family with lasagna options that go beyond traditional! sweet lasagna Pasta Ingredients: […]
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Every Sunday, frame Myths and facts Act Wonderful Sunday Brings fun facts about food. In addition, the public has the opportunity to replenish the menu with many delicious recipes!
Learn step by step and surprise the whole family with lasagna options that go beyond traditional!
sweet lasagna
Pasta Ingredients:
1 this
1 cup wheat flour
Half a cup of milk
How to prepare:
In a cup, add eggs, milk and flour. Mix well with a mixture or mixer. Then grease a frying pan with butter to make small pancakes.
Ingredients for 1st Packing Option 1:
500 ml of milk
3 tablespoons of cornstarch
200 gm caramel
How to prepare:
Mix the milk well with the starch and cook until it thickens and turns into cream. After that, remove from heat and add cold caramel to hot cream.
Filling Ingredients 2:
395 ml condensed milk
100 ml milk
3 tablespoons of chocolate powder
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
100 ml of sour cream
How to prepare:
Put the milk, condensed milk, chocolate powder and butter on the stove. After you get a drop of soft brigadeiro, turn off the heat and add cream to make it less sweet.
3 filling ingredients:
300 grams kiwi
300 gm strawberry
1 piece of white chocolate
How to prepare:
Cut all the fruit into slices to overlap the fillings and make the topping. Then grate the white chocolate over the prepared lasagna and put it in the fridge for 3 hours. Feet cut into slices.
lasagna vegetables
2 medium eggplant
2 medium sized Italian zucchini
500 grams de shimeji
500 grams of shallots
1 large red onion
700 ml vegetable broth
3 tablespoons wheat flour
3 tablespoons butter
300 gm brie cheese
How to prepare:
Peel the eggplant and cut it into thin layers. Then grill and set aside.
In a saucepan, add butter and half a red onion and saute until golden. Then we add shallots and wheat flour little by little, add vegetable broth and shimeji.
This cream will serve as the filling to overlap the vegetable layers.
To finish, sprinkle the lasagna with half a red onion and shredded brie cheese and chop it up.
follow the picture Myths and facts There is no program Wonderful Sunday, which is broadcast every weekend at 7:45 pm TV recording.