We interrupt our regularly scheduled road trip for a hat tip to Earth Day, April 22nd. Want to do something tasty in celebration, that also helps our beloved planet Earth? How about a Food Resolution? An agreement with yourself to eat with more intention. One of the most important […]
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We interrupt our regularly scheduled road trip for a hat tip to Earth Day, April 22nd.
Want to do something tasty in celebration, that also helps our beloved planet Earth? How about a Food Resolution? An agreement with yourself to eat with more intention. One of the most important things we can do for the environment begins on our dinner plate, and there a lot of ways to participate.
In Cool Cuisine, Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming, we discussed the top 5 ways our food system effected global warming, per one of the early groups studying the issue in 2007, the University of California, Davis.

Drawdown, Paul Hawkins 2017 book, confirmed and updated the list with 80 ways human actions contribute to global warming. We had quite a lively discussion about it a few weeks ago. Eight of the top 20 are about food, and if you combine (#3) Reduce Food Waste with (#4) Plant-Rich Diet, food is easily the number one most impactful way you and I can take serious aim on emission reduction. The powerful aspect about food is how changes can be a double-whammy. Emissions can be reduced by changes in action, but agricultural practices can also drawdown and sequester carbon into the soil, making the solution a two-fer, or doubly effective.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good though. Often people get action-paralysis wanting to do everything, then following through on little. Take one or two things and see how it goes - add more later. Here’s some ideas, and please keep in mind,
If it ain’t fun, it don’t get done.
1. Plant a garden, grown some herbs, or start a compost pile
2. Start making stock or pickles from vegetables almost ready for the compost pile
3. Learn about caramelization, umami, and new cooking styles that heighten the flavor of plants.
4. Incorporate more whole grains (like quinoa and farro) and beans and legumes (like chickpea, aduki and lentil)
5. Commit to shopping the farmers market weekly or a few times a month
6. Visit a local farm and join their CSA food program
7. Volunteer at a food education organization like FoodWise in SF, or at a local farm like Pie Ranch on the coast.
8. Try cooking different cuisines to learn new spices and ways to season plants.
9. Consider meat a side dish
10. Try your hand at Meatless Monday
Want to learn more? Check out these food-fest Earth Day events:
San Francisco Earth Day with Chefs Zone
April 23, 2022
12PM – 7 PM
Valencia Street, 19th-21st Street, San Francisco
Local chefs will be cooking up healthy signature dishes all day. Sample tasty organic and vegan dishes from the local slow food movement. Speakers discuss health and nutrition, best buying practices, the dangers of factory farming, and fighting toxicity in our air, food and water. Info click here.
Earth Day Feast and Faire
April 24, 2022
Valley Presbyterian Church
Noon – 2 PM
945 Portola Road, Portola Valley
Join the Earth Care Team to explore tasty plant-forward food and learn about the latest in efficient innovations like induction cooking. More into here.
Food Is Life Celebration of Earth Day
Friday, April 22–Saturday, April 30
The CIA at Copia
500 1st Street, Napa
W week filled with art exhibits, classes, films, and festivities. The Global Plant-Forward Culinary Summit will also be in session, Tuesday, April 26–Thursday, April 28
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