‘Tis the season … for new holiday recipes! CURE® has everyone covered on what to bring to those holiday parties with a special episode of Heal at Home. In this episode we’ll be showing cancer survivors, patients and their loved ones how to make three different recipes perfect for […]
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‘Tis the season … for new holiday recipes! CURE® has everyone covered on what to bring to those holiday parties with a special episode of Heal at Home.
In this episode we’ll be showing cancer survivors, patients and their loved ones how to make three different recipes perfect for the holiday season. And we have made sure that they are easy to make, and full of nutritious value!
Our first recipe is for a delicious cranberry orange relish,which could be a great spread to accompany turkey at the dinner table. You could also follow our steps and spread it on a cracker with a little bit of goat cheese sprinkled on top — it will make a great addition to the appetizer station!
The next recipe is sure to satisfy that sweet tooth! Our in a hurry pumpkin bread only calls for three ingredients, or four if you want to add in some dark chocolate chips! The difference with our pumpkin bread is that we used pumpkin puree instead of olive oil as other recipes normally call for. Wondering why? Check out the episode to see how that pumpkin puree provides everyone with lots of nutrition!
And our last recipe is a two for one — we are giving you a recipe for a refreshing holiday salad and a delicious, homemade dressing to accompany it. This salad is great because not only is it tasty and healthy, but it also calls for pomegranates which are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C — not to mention they bring a great, festive color to the salad!
Be sure to share your finished dishes on the holiday table with us on social media, we can’t wait to see what you and your guests think of them!
And if you have any recipes that have helped your through treatment and keep you strong through survivorship be sure to send them our way!
Missed CURE®’s inaugural episode of its cooking show? Don’t fret. There’s still plenty of time to see how we made a flavorful pesto recipe, as well as high-energy peanut butter oat balls and scrumptious roasted chickpeas.
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