Rune Factory 5: Chemistry Recipes Guide

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Rune Factory 5 , befitting its history as a Harvest Moon spinoff , is primarily a game about cultivation. Not just cultivating fields, but cultivating relationships, community, strength, and wealth. Fittingly enough, Rune Factory 5 has multiple crafting systems. Whether it’s to make invincible armor or an incredible meal, […]

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Rune Factory 5, befitting its history as a Harvest Moon spinoff, is primarily a game about cultivation. Not just cultivating fields, but cultivating relationships, community, strength, and wealth.

Fittingly enough, Rune Factory 5 has multiple crafting systems. Whether it's to make invincible armor or an incredible meal, Rune Factory 5 players will spend plenty of time gathering ingredients and refining them into better and better items.

One of the available crafting systems is chemistry, which is primarily for potions and medicine. While these will be primarily during dungeon crawling, a few of Rune Factory 5's townsfolk might appreciate one of the player's concoctions as a gift.

Earning a Chemistry License

Just like with Rune Factory 5's forging and crafting systems, players need to earn a chemistry license before they can start freely brewing. Before they can apply, they need to complete the "First Directive" quest and receive a tutorial on directives from Eliza in the Silo.

After completing that, the player just needs to ask about licenses and choose the chemistry exam. It costs 100 seed points to take, and features two simple questions:

  • "What kind of ingredients do you usually use to make medicine?"
    • Plants, flowers, and so on.
    • Anything, really.
    • Swords, shields, whatever.
  • "Where can you buy medicine?
    • Flowerstruck
    • The Silo.
    • The Clinic.

After passing the exam, the player then just needs to buy a chemistry set from Studio Palmo. It costs 1000g, 30 lumber, and 30 material stones.

Rune Factory 5's Chemistry Recipes

Nothing in life comes for free. It should be noted that, aside from obviously needing specific ingredients for each of Rune Factory 5's chemistry recipes, players also need to be at a certain skill level to successfully brew the intended recipe.

Recovery Potion:

  • Ingredients Needed: Green Grass and Medicinal Herb
  • Required Skill Level: Level 3
  • Effect: HP Recovery +150
  • Selling Price: 15 G

Sweet Powder

  • Ingredients Needed: Apple
  • Required Skill Level: Level 5
  • Effect: Water Resistance -30%
  • Selling Price: 170 G

Sour Drop:

  • Ingredients Needed: Orange
  • Required Skill Level: Level 7.
  • Effect: Earth Resistance -30%
  • Selling Price: 90 G

Healing Potion

  • Ingredients Needed: Medicinal Herb and Red Grass
  • Required Skill Level: Level 7
  • Effect: HP Recovery +800
  • Selling Price: 120 G

Mixed Herbs

  • Ingredients Needed: Green Grass and Toy Herb
  • Required Skill Level: Level 8
  • Effect: Wind Resistance -30%
  • Selling Price: 280G

Heavy Spice

  • Ingredients Needed: Purple Grass
  • Required Skill Level: Level 10
  • Effect: Fire Resistance -30%
  • Selling Price: 180 G


  • Ingredients Needed: Two Black Grasses
  • Required Skill Level: Level 13
  • Effect: HP Recovery +800
  • Selling Price: 60 G

Healing Potion

  • Ingredients Needed: Pom-Pom Grass
  • Required Skill Level: Level 14
  • Effect: HP Recovery +800
  • Selling Price: 120 G

Recovery Potion

  • Ingredients Needed: Blue Grass
  • Required Skill Level: Level 15
  • Effect: HP Recovery +1500
  • Selling Price: 15G


  • Ingredients Needed: Two Indigo Grasses
  • Required Skill Level: Level 18
  • Effect: HP Recovery +50 and Cures Paralysis
  • Selling Price: 60G

Cold Medicine

  • Ingredients Needed: Orange Grass and Toy Herb.
  • Required Skill Level: Level 22
  • Effect: HP Recovery +1000 and Cures Sick
  • Selling Price: 120G

Antidote Potion

  • Ingredients Needed: Antidote Herb and Yellow Grass
  • Required Skill Level: Level 25
  • Effect: HP Recovery +1500 and Cures Poison
  • Selling Price 150G

No Rot α

  • Ingredients Needed: Toy Herb and Withered Grass
  • Required Skill Level: Level 26
  • Effect: Prevents Crop Wilting
  • Selling Price: 50G

Mystery Potion

  • Ingredients Needed: Medicinal Herb and White Grass
  • Required Skill Level: Level 33
  • Effect: HP Recovery +3000
  • Selling Price: 200G

Magical Potion

  • Ingredients Needed: Elli Leaves and Medicinal Herb
  • Required Skill Level: Level 45
  • Effect: HP Recovery +50%
  • Selling Price: 2000G


  • Ingredients Needed: Iron Leaf, Heavy Spicy, Lamp Grass, Liquid Type, and Powders or Spores.
  • Required Skill Level: Level 46
  • Effect: Max HP -50%, Strength +70%, Vitality +70%, Crit Rate +20%, and All Ailment Resist +25%.
  • Selling Price: 2500G


  • Ingredients Needed: Autumn Grass, Emery Flower, Formuade, Hot-Hot Fruit, and Noel Grass.
  • Required Skill Level: Level 76
  • Effect: Cures all Status Ailments and gives status ailment immunity for 12 in-game hours, HP Recovery +100%, RP Recovery +100%, Strength +50%/10%, Vitality +50%/10%, and Intelligence +50%/10%.
  • Selling Price: 5000G

The Protein

  • Ingredients Needed: Liquid Type, Two Red Crystals, Powders or Spores, and Spinach.
  • Required Skill Level: Level 80.
  • Effect: Permanently Raises Strength by +1
  • Selling Price 1500G

Vital Gummi:

  • Ingredients Needed: Two Blue Crystals, Bok Choy, Liquid Type, and Powders or Spores.
  • Required Skill Level: Level 83
  • Effect: Permanently Raises Vitality by +1
  • Selling Price 1500G

Love Potion

  • Ingredients Needed: Emery Flower, Grape Liqueur, Honey, Hot-Hot Fruit, Pink Melon, and Strawberry.
  • Required Skill Level: Level 87
  • Effect: RP Recovery +50%, Cures All Status Ailments, Knockback Resist +10%, Crit Resist +10%, All Status Ailments +25%, and can drastically raise friendship levels in some characters when gifted.
  • Selling Price: 5000G

Rune Factory 5 is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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