Sloane Heffernan’s Super Easy Homemade Donut Recipe

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There is nothing better on a chilly, fall morning than a warm, delicious doughnut. Here’s the good news, you don’t have to get out of your cozy pajamas or leave your comfortable house to enjoy this tasty treat.

This homemade donut recipe is one of the easiest recipes you will ever make, with just two simple ingredients that you may already have on hand. And the donuts taste just like the ones that you find at your favorite donut shop.

All you need is a can of biscuits and vegetable oil to get started. The toppings are optional. The donuts are delicious plain with a steaming cup of coffee or hot chocolate.

I made this recipe with my 14-year-old son Cole. We enjoyed making them almost as much as we enjoyed eating them. You can also make them in an air fryer, if you prefer. Enjoy!

Yummy Canned Biscuit Donut


• 1 can Biscuits (we used Pillsbury Grands)

• vegetable oil for frying


Cinnamon & Sugar;

• 3 Tbsp sugar

• 1 tsp cinnamon


• 1/2 cup powdered sugar

• 1/2 tsp vanilla

• milk

• sprinkles


  • Heat vegetable oil in a large pan on medium heat.
  • Separate biscuits and cut a hole in the middle to create a donut.
  • Test the oil by frying a donut hole.
  • Wait for it to turn golden brown on all sides.
  • Continue with the donuts. It should take a few minutes for each batch.
  • Remove donuts and place them on a paper towel.
  • Once they have cooled - you can add your favorite toppings.
  • For a cinnamon sugar: mix the cinnamon and sugar in a bowl and dip the donuts one at a time. Another fun option is to place the cinnamon and sugar in a small paper bag (lunch bag), add a donut and gently shake.
  • For a simple glaze: mix powdered sugar, vanilla and milk to create a frosting. Add sprinkles right after dipping and then eat!

Donut you love an easy recipe! ;-)

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