Tea recipes that can help protect from the side-effects of pollution

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01/8Teas that can ​protect from the side-effects of pollution Depleting air quality in Delhi is not something unusual, but what makes it terrible is the recurrence of this condition every year affecting millions of people. With the onset of winters, there has been an increase in the air pollution […]

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01/8Teas that can ​protect from the side-effects of pollution

Depleting air quality in Delhi is not something unusual, but what makes it terrible is the recurrence of this condition every year affecting millions of people.

With the onset of winters, there has been an increase in the air pollution levels caused due to burning of crackers, crops, industrial toxins coupled with winter fog that wreaks havoc on the respiratory system leading to health conditions like shortness of breath, bronchitis, asthma, breathing issues, congestion and frequent flu and viral infections.

The depleting air quality has forced the Health Ministry to advise masses to follow safety measures like wearing masks and staying indoors as much as possible. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to polluted air impacts the respiratory system and functioning of lungs. However, experts suggest that by adding certain foods and drinks to your diet you can improve the functioning of the lungs and increase immunity.

02/8​How air pollution can affect lungs?

Prolonged exposure to pollution often irritates the airways, which leads to shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, Asthma and chest pain. Moreover, breathing in polluted air pulls the harmful chemicals to the lungs, which increases the risk of lung cancer, heart attacks, stroke and in some cases early death.

03/8​How can your eating habits improve lung health?

Improving lung health is not a one day process, especially in terms of the depleting air condition following the safety measures and adding healthy foods and drinks to your diet can help in keeping the lungs healthy.

The presence of environmental toxins coupled with high fat and inflammatory foods, can often increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and might lead to pulmonary fibrosis and Asthma. However, experts believe that lifestyle modifications and adding a nutrient-rich diet can help protect the lungs and even reduce lung damage caused due to polluted air. Here are a few nutrient-rich teas that can help in healing the lungs and boost functioning naturally.

Beetroot tea might sound strange, but it is great for improving lung health.

The presence of antioxidants and minerals like nitrates in beetroot and beet greens can help in boosting the functioning of the respiratory system.

Nitrates in beetroot help in relaxing the blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and optimize oxygen uptake. According to experts, beetroot extracts can significantly improve lung function in people suffering from COPD. What’s more, beet greens are loaded with minerals such as magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and carotenoid antioxidants, which are good for lungs.

To make beetroot tea, take a pitcher, add 1 lemon juice, 1 teaspoon ginger paste or grated ginger, ½ beetroot grated, mix it all together and add hot boiling water. Brew the tea for 10 minutes. Strain it and add some honey or black pepper to accentuate the taste.

Turmeric has been an essential part of several ancient remedies for its potent medicinal benefits, but what makes it great for lung health is its anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from that, the presence of Curcumin, a potent antioxidant helps in improving respiratory health, helps in healing from the damage caused due to environmental toxins and free radicals and repairs cell damage.

A study published in NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information) observed 2,478 people, found that the intake of curcumin was associated with improved lung function. Moreover, it was found that the lung functioning of smokers who had curcumin was significantly greater than smokers who had low curcumin intake.

To make Turmeric tea just take some water and boil it. Once the water is hot enough, add in 1 pinch of turmeric, black peppercorns. Mix it and strain the tea, mix it with lime juice and honey. The presence of peppercorns and honey will help in improving cold, cough and flu.

Green tea is packed with compounds such as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is basically a catechin concentrated in green tea. The presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in green tea may help in improving respiratory health. Apart from that, research shows that EGCG may help treat Pulmonary fibrosis.

A study, conducted in 2020 on 20 people with pulmonary fibrosis found that treatment with EGCG extract for 2 weeks reduced markers of fibrosis.

Tulsi also known as Holy Basil is great for improving respiratory health. It’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-viral properties makes it a potent medicinal herb, which has been used in several remedies to cure seasonal flu, fever, allergies and infections. Apart from that, consuming Tulsi leaves on a daily basis can improve the functioning of lungs and respiratory system.

Tulsi helps in clearing out the lungs and its anti-inflammatory properties helps in reducing the damage caused due to inflammation of airways and helps in healing.

To make a quick Tulsi tea, heat a pot and add in 7-8 tulsi leaves, 1 inch ginger. Strain the tea and drink this throughout the day.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can significantly reduce cold, cough and congestion. Combining vitamin C rich lemon with ginger helps in improving congestion, clearing the airways, healing sore throat and improving overall lung function. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger coupled with the antioxidant rich lemon helps in improving lung health.

Just boil some ginger and lemon slices in water. Strain the tea and add honey. Sip this throughout the day.

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