Three riffable potato recipes

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The humble spud is the perfect vessel for you to go a little wild (Mob Kitchen) Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew, potatoes are a powerhouse vegetable that just about everyone has an affinity (and appetite) for. It’s difficult to find someone out there who doesn’t […]

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The humble spud is the perfect vessel for you to go a little wild (Mob Kitchen)
The humble spud is the perfect vessel for you to go a little wild (Mob Kitchen)

Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew, potatoes are a powerhouse vegetable that just about everyone has an affinity (and appetite) for. It’s difficult to find someone out there who doesn’t like potatoes and I can guarantee that there are even fewer who would turn down a portion of freshly fried chips. That being said, it’s easy to get hit by potato fatigue. Speaking from personal experience, you can only have a jacket potato for dinner so many times before you start to lose the plot.

What’s the solution? Well, recipes that are more exciting than lobbing a bit of tuna and mayo into a crispy potato skin, for one. Add some excitement to that bag of Maris Pipers you bought the other day by having a go at any of these easy, super-riffable recipes from Mob. Being able to experiment in the kitchen is great fun and the humble spud is the perfect vessel for you to go a little wild with some different flavour combinations. Here, we’ve included everything from a fresh take on batata harra to an easy ’nduja roast potatoes that will change your Sunday roast for good. Happy potato-ing!

Batata harra

This Lebanese dish is typically served as part of a mezze (Mob Kitchen)
This Lebanese dish is typically served as part of a mezze (Mob Kitchen)

Batata harra is a Lebanese dish that you’ll typically find served as part of a mezze. But don’t let that stop you from eating a big old portion of it as your main meal. Red bell pepper isn’t always included in traditional recipes but it’s a nice addition here in this recipe from Jordon Ezra King that adds at least one of your five-a-day to this quick and simple dish. This is one to really reignite your love affair with potatoes.


1.5kg potatoes

1 red bell pepper

3 large cloves of garlic

1 bunch of coriander

1 lemon

1 tsp chilli flakes


Olive oil


1. Peel and dice the potatoes into roughly 1 inch cubes. Parboil in salted boiling water for about 5 mins until just starting to soften. Drain and set aside to steam.

2. Fill a large deep pan with 3 inches of sunflower oil and set over a high heat. Check to see when it’s hot enough by dropping in a bit of potato, it should sizzle immediately.

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