Last week, we took a look at some fabulous easy-to-make recipes from Happy Together’s corner “Late Night Snacks.” The corner was a hit when it aired nearly a decade ago. Happy Together is no longer a program, but thanks to technology and YouTube, we are still able to reminisce […]
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Last week, we took a look at some fabulous easy-to-make recipes from Happy Together's corner "Late Night Snacks." The corner was a hit when it aired nearly a decade ago. Happy Together is no longer a program, but thanks to technology and YouTube, we are still able to reminisce the memories. More importantly, we are able to access some super easy-to-make recipes that are perfect for nighttime snacks. And YES, you can even make it in the States.
So let's take a look at some other recipes that are super easy to make! Oh, and if you missed last week's article, make sure to check it out here!
1) Suzy's To-Dal-Bok (Tomato & Egg Stir Fry)
Ingredients: Tomato, Eggs, Salt
1) Cut the tomatoes into easy-to-eat portions
2) Whisk two eggs into a bowl and season with salt.
3) Scramble the eggs and add the tomatoes in. Stir fry until little to no water remains.
2) Jang Dong Min's Ramen Soup Rice
Ingredients: Ramen Soup Packet, Rice, Canned Tuna, Egg Yolk, Seaweed Laver (Optional)
1) Add the ramen soup powder packet on top of white rice.
2) Add canned tuna and egg yolk and mix
3) Top with seaweed laver for more flavor
3) Min Ji Young's Shh! It's a Secret (Jjapaghetti Sub)
Ingredients: Jjapaghetti, Hot Dog Bun, Danmooji, Mayonnaise
1) Toast the hot dog bun on a frying pan
2) Dice the danmooji
3) Sprinkle mayonnaise on the hot dog bun
4) Cook the jjapaghetti and add the fully cooked jjapaghetti onto the bun
5) Top with danmooji and enjoy!
4) Shin Bora's BiBingSoo
Ingredients: Bibibig (Ice Cream), Milk
1) Freeze milk.
2) Place the frozen milk into a bowl and smash.
3) Add the Bibibig. Top with cereal or nuts for more flavor.
5) Yang Sang Gook's Bbung-Scream
Ingredients: Bbungtwigi (Korean Rice Snack), Ice Cream
1) Place ice cream in between two bbungtwigis and enjoy!
6) Lee Hyori's Bad Girl Pizza
Ingredients: Tortilla, Nutella, Banana, Peanut Butter, Nuts/Almond, Mozzarella Cheese, Chocolate
1) Spread the peanut butter thinly onto the tortilla.
2) Slice banana and add banana onto the tortilla. Top with mozzarella cheese.
3) Add nuts or almonds onto the cheese. Drizzle with Nutella or chocolate syrup.
4) Bake in the oven for about 7 minutes (390 F). Enjoy!
How were this week's recipes? Most of these dishes are delicious, but most importantly, they're pretty tasty. With ingredients easily accessible in the United States or Korea, these dishes are a must-try when you're hungry, on a low budget, and want a late-night snack! Which late-night recipe will you try today? Let us know in the comments below!
Disclaimer: You may notice that there aren't exact numbers when it comes to these ingredients. The whole concept was to make it easy and not complicated -- while there aren't exact numbers, you can refer to the videos to see how approximate it is when they are measuring ingredients.