A delicious Avocado, Potato, Grilled Chicken Salad recipe awaits inside this article. – Are you tired of eating the same thing for dinner each week? Perhaps you feel that when you are cleaning out the refrigerator, you’re tossing out untouched food. These are problems that community members are facing. […]
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Are you tired of eating the same thing for dinner each week? Perhaps you feel that when you are cleaning out the refrigerator, you’re tossing out untouched food. These are problems that community members are facing. UW-Extension is working to provide families with options to utilize what they have. And with food and gas prices on the rise, why not get the most bang for your buck when it comes to dining?
Take advantage of resources that are provided by community agencies like UW-Extension in Racine. This week, UW-Extension is offering a recipe that can help community members stay on track to healthy eating while ensuring that everything in the kitchen gets put to good use.
A word from an educator
Amy Macemon, from the Division of UW-Extension and the Healthy Communities Coordinator, is the FoodWIse Educator explains that during the COVID-19 pandemic the agency started sharing recipes with local food pantries between Racine and Kenosha as a way to help others achieve healthier lifestyles.
They’ve been able to visit and teach at 5 of the 20 pantries, between the two counties.
“When we teach at food pantries, we bring a prepared food sample and the associated recipe that utilize foods that pantries have an abundance of,” Macemon explained. She gave examples of these items which include bulk frozen blueberries and zucchini, as well as items they often have but aren’t very popular such as brown rice and dried beans.
Through a variety of resources and partnerships with county board members, community leaders, homeless shelters, and emergency service network providers, they began reaching a wider scope of people in need, in addition to those that they teach.
“Being able to utilize all food that is provided by food pantries is one way to save money on food,” said Macemon. “Knowhow to prepare a wide variety of foods quickly and deliciously also helps save money while ensuring nutrition standards are being met.”
FoodWIse educators work with pantry leaders to determine what foods to highlight when choosing recipes to share with the community, according to Macemon. Recipes are taken from researched-based websites, primarily Iowa State University Extension Spend Smart Eat Smart, SNAP-Ed Connection USDA Mixing Bowl, Eating Smart and Being Active, Healthy, Thrifty Holiday Menus, SNAP-Ed recipes, or Teen Cuisine Curriculum.
Avocado, Potato, Grilled Chicken Salad
UW-Extension resources
In addition to this recipe, FoodWIse through UW-Extension provides Eating Smart, Being Active (ESBA) classes for parents of young children. The classes are one day a week for an hour over the course of nine weeks.
Additionally, they have an online database of emergency food resources up to date online. This document provides information on accessing emergency food resources such as EBT, pantries, meal sites, and more.
Likewise, their quick list and other community resource Extension supports are found online here.
Additional resources

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