Weight loss: Fat-burning coffee recipes to enjoy guilt-free

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01/6​Make fat-melting coffee at home​ Drinking coffee in your daily diet can help in weight loss. Several studies link coffee intake with lower body weight, reduced BMI, and fat. However, a lot depends on your coffee recipe. If you add spoons full of sugar and chocolate sauce or ice […]

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01/6​Make fat-melting coffee at home​

Drinking coffee in your daily diet can help in weight loss. Several studies link coffee intake with lower body weight, reduced BMI, and fat. However, a lot depends on your coffee recipe. If you add spoons full of sugar and chocolate sauce or ice cream into your coffee, then instead of weight loss, you may end up gaining more grams or kilos. Here are some interesting and healthy coffee recipes will boost your weight loss journey:


02/6​Lemony coffee​

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon coffee, 2 cup water, 1 teaspoon honey, 2 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 inch cinnamon.Add 2 cups of water to a pan along with the cinnamon stick. Once the water starts boiling, add 1 teaspoon coffee powder and allow the drink to brew. Once brewed, turn the heat off and transfer the coffee into a cup. Add lemon juice and honey. Stir and drink before it gets cold.


03/6​Chia seeds green coffee​

Ingredients: 1 sachet instant green coffee powder, 2-3 lemon wedges, 1 tsp chia seeds, half inch ginger, 2-3 mint leaves, 1 liter water.Empty the contents of a green coffee sachet in a glass pitcher. Pour boiling hot water over it. Mix well. Now, add 1 liter of water at room temperature along with the lemon wedges, mint leaves and chia seeds. Let it sit for an hour. Drink throughout the day.


04/6​Ghee coffee​

Ingredients: 1 cup water, 1 teaspoon coffee powder, ½ tsp gheeTake a saucepan and boil water in it. Add coffee powder and let it boil for a few seconds. Once the coffee is ready, pour it into a cut and add ½ tsp ghee in it. Mix well and drink. You can also cool down the coffee and then blend or whisk it for a creamier texture.


05/6​Protein iced coffee​

Ingredients: 2 tbsp vanilla or plain protein powder, 1 cup cashew milk, 1 shot espresso, 1 date, ice.Blend together all the ingredients till you achieve a smooth consistency. You can add more dates to increase the sweetness. Serve chilled.

Read more: Soya recipes that will not sacrifice your taste for meat


06/6​Banana oats coffee​

Ingredients: 1 sliced and frozen banana, ½ cup chilled brewed coffee, ½ cup milk and ¼ cup rolled oats.Blend together all the ingredients to achieve a smooth consistency. You can add more milk if the coffee shake is too thick. Serve immediately.

Read more: 3 tasty chickpea recipes for weight loss

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