Preparing Food for your dogs at home takes patience, knowledge, and time. It’s essential to know what ingredients you will avoid as much as what ingredients to add. A balanced diet is always required for your dog. The Food should contain all the nutrients it needs in the right […]
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Preparing Food for your dogs at home takes patience, knowledge, and time. It’s essential to know what ingredients you will avoid as much as what ingredients to add. A balanced diet is always required for your dog. The Food should contain all the nutrients it needs in the right proportion. Protein, Fat, and carbohydrates in the right amount added with other essential vitamins and minerals make the perfect dog food.
50% carbs, 10% – 20% protein (depending on the dog’s age), and 5-6 % fat make balanced dog food. You will need to keep in mind the vitamins and minerals apart from the fiber content in the Food you cook. While a balanced diet can seem perfect for your dog, it could also be nightmarishly hard for you to get your dog to eat if it is not tasty. Keeping a balanced diet and making it yummy for your dog makes for a perfect dog chef.
Apart from Proper nutrition, it is also essential to understand the needs of each breed when it comes to Food. Labradoodles by Cucciolini are a mix of a poodle and a labrador. They inherit both the pros and cons of these breeds. Labradoodles are prone to hip dysplasia, Von Willebrand’s disease, and Addison’s disease. Proper nutrition may prolong these diseases from occurring. The recipe below ensures that the nutrients required to avoid these diseases are included in sufficient quantity.
Before you begin preparing your grocery list, you will need to know what can and cannot go into your dog food. Let’s start with what not to add to your dog food first.
Foods and Ingredients to Avoid in Your Labradoodles Meal
- Chocolate: Chocolate is one of the few toxic foods which could cause health issues in dogs. Chocolate may lead to kidney failure and renal problems in dogs.
- Salt: While salt is a common ingredient in human Food, adding salt to your dog’s Food is not recommended. While it does stimulate taste in dogs, dogs tend to have skin-related issues when salt is consumed regularly.
- Sugar & any artificial sweetener: While sugar is a common ingredient in dog food and is considered safe, artificial sweeteners are often toxic. Diabetes is one of the common conditions in aging dogs, and removing sugar from the diet will ensure your dog is healthier when they are older.
- Garlic & Onion: While dogs can use to treat certain conditions in dogs, they are not to be consumed regularly. Also, there is no evidence of garlic curing any disease in a dog. On the contrary, there is clear evidence of it being toxic to them.
- Bones: Bones, though healthy for dogs, usually come with choking hazards. While bones contain a range of minerals, including calcium, the risk of choking in dogs outweighs its benefits.
- Avocado: Avocado is one of the healthy fats for humans, but it is not the case for dogs. Avocados are known to induce vomiting and diarrhea in dogs and are toxic.
- Grapes and Raisins: Grapes and raisins are known to cause renal failure and Liver damage in dogs
- Macadamia: Macadamia is toxic to dogs and affects the nervous system in dogs.
- Any processed food which contains preservatives or color: It goes without saying. Adding any form of chemicals to your dog food defeats the purpose of preparing homemade Food for your dog. Read the ingredients when purchasing canned Food for your dogs, whether beans or Beef. Avoid foods that contain preservatives and colors. When possible, buy fresh ingredients.
While the toxic foods for dogs are limited, the ingredients are abundant and exhaustive. You can add a list of most meat, seafood, vegetables, nuts (apart from macadamia), oils, and fruits if it is not on the list above.
Labradoodle Food Recipes
The recipes below are balanced with the proper nutrients for your dog. They contain:
- Meat for protein
- Grains for carbohydrates
- Oils and seeds for fat
- Vegetables for vitamins and minerals
While every Food contains more than one nutrition, each has a significant amount. Meat usually contains 25% protein but also includes 15% fat. Most grains have a trace amount of fat and some protein too.
Minced Beef Bomb

Minced Beef Bomb is one of the most accessible foods for your dog and can be repeated 3-4 times a week, and your dog will not get tired of it. You could also make a variation of the below recipe by replacing Beef with Chicken or turkey. A balanced diet ensures your dog has all the nutrients it needs for good health, a shiny coat, and overall well-being. Adding ginger in minimal quantity helps benefit ligament health in dogs throughout its life. Turmeric is known to have a range of health benefits, from preventing cancer to improving heart health. Eggshells contain the required calcium content, and the vegetables provide the trace minerals your dog needs. Overall, this is one meal your dog will love
- 14 oz Lean Ground Beef
- Hempseed Oil 2 Teaspoon / 2 Tablespoons of hemp seed
- ½ tsp Cod liver oil / (2ox) half can sardines
- Half a teaspoon of ginger
- Half a teaspoon of Kelp
- Half a teaspoon of Turmeric powder
- 1 Egg with half shell
- Beef Liver 1Oz
- 3 Ox of Mixed vegetables (Beetroot, Spinach, Carrots, Broccoli, Sweet potatoes)
This recipe can be served raw or cooked for your dog, depending on the quality of meat and eggs. If the source of the ingredients is reliable and free from contamination, you can skip the cooking. Begin with the ground beef. Add hemp seed oil, cod liver oil, a piece of ginger, Kelp, turmeric, and beef liver. Grind them to a coarse mixture and move them to a separate dish. Add one whole egg to the beef mix. Prepare the second portion with mixed vegetables and half the eggshell. Grind well and add to the beef mix. Mix thoroughly and serve fresh. You can cook the mixture on a stovetop for 15 -20 minutes or bake it for 30-40 minutes. This mix can be stored frozen for a week.
Chicken Risotto

The perfect version of risotto for dogs, the recipe is balanced and filling for your dogs. You could cook the ingredients separately, store them for up to 2 weeks, and mix them when you want to serve. You can replace the Chicken with turkey. Do not mix turkey and Chicken as the cooking time varies for the meat. Only add boneless Chicken with no skin in them for this recipe.
- 10 Oz Chicken
- 2 oz Chicken Liver
- 5 oz cooked rice
- 3 Oz Boiled mixed vegetables cut into small pieces
- 2 Tablespoon Coconut oil
- 1 Egg
- ½ tsp Turmeric
- ½ tsp Cod Liver oil
Begin with the meat. Cut the Chicken into bite-size pieces. Add the liver to the cut Chicken and boil them in water for 20 minutes. Prepare rice as you usually would for human consumption in a separate pot. When the rice is nearly ready, add cut vegetables to the rice. The vegetables need not be fully cooked but should be slightly crunchy. Drain the water from the Chicken and save it. Mix the meat with the rice and vegetables. Add egg when rice is hot. Mix cod liver oil, turmeric, and coconut oil, and let the mix cool. Serve once cold or store it for up to a week in a refrigerator.
This recipe adds perfect filler for your dogs in the form of rice and has all the protein and minerals required from the meat and vegetables.
One Pot Beef Chow

The Beef is tasty and nutritious for your dog. Do not feed this mix regularly, as it does not contain all the nutrients your labradoodle requires. One Pot Beef Chow is comfort food for your dog and is preferred only once or twice a week. The beef chow lacks calcium and antioxidants, which are vital for your growing dogs. Though beef chow is sufficient nutrition for protein, fat, and carbs, they lack all the minerals required for a better coat and shine.
- 10 oz Lean Beef Cut into Small bite-sized chunks
- 1 cup Rice
- 3 oz Mixed Vegetables
- ½ Tsp Cod liver oil
- 2 Tablespoon Vegetable oil (Ground nut, Coconut, or Flax seed Oil)
- ½ Teaspoon Turmeric
- ½ teaspoon Ginger powder
- One egg
Cook The cut Beef in vegetable oil for 15 minutes. The meat will release its fat. Once the Beef is cooked, partially add 3 cups of water and let it boil. Once the water comes to a boil, add one cup of rice. Add turmeric and ginger powder, and vegetables when the rice comes to a boil. Let the rice cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove and add cod liver oil and eggs. Cover the beef chow, and Let the meal cool. Serve or store the mix in a refrigerator for up to one week.
Coco Chicken Curry

Coconuts are rich in fiber, essential oils, and minerals. They are also sweet and crunchy. Dogs love to chew on them and can be fed as treats. But when you add them to pumpkins Turkey, they are a treat your dogs will love. A pumpkin is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They are also excellent for digestive health and contain high fiber. Most of all, pumpkins and coconuts are sweet, and your labradoodle will love them.
- ½ Coconut cut into 1-inch pieces
- 3 oz Pumpkin
- 14 oz Ground Meat (Beef, Chicken, or Turkey) Preferably lean
- 1 oz Beef liver
- ½ Tsp Turmeric
- ½ Tsp Ginger
- 2 Tablespoon Preparation Vegetable Oil
- 1 Egg
Cook the meat and liver in 2 teaspoons of oil. When meat is partially cooked, add the pumpkin with half a cup of water and let it cook for 15 minutes. Once the pumpkin turns mushy and soft, add turmeric, ginger, and egg. Cook for 2 minutes and add the cut coconut pieces. Note that the coconuts are not cooked. They are complex, and you need to ensure that the coconuts are in small parts, not more than one-centimeter cubes. You can also grate the coconuts if you are unsure about your dog’s safety or if your dog is not fond of chewing its Food.
Jerusalem Chicken Organa

As the name suggests, the dish consists of a mix of Chicken with 50% organs. Organs have a range of essential nutrients for your dogs. The liver, spleen, and heart mixed with an equal amount of lean chicken meat with some vegetables and oil make this dish one of the most desired and sumptuous meals your dog will enjoy. Inspired by the Jerusalem mixed grill, this dish is tweaked to add a portion of vegetables your dog requires and can be mixed with plain rice to add volume.
- 7 oz Lean Chicken Meat
- 7 oz Organ Meat From Chicken (Mixed. Heart, Liver, Spleen)
- 5 oz Vegetables. (Sweet Potato, Carrot, Beans, Beetroot, Peas)
- ½ Tsp Turmeric
- ½ Tsp Ginger
- 2 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
Grind the Chicken meat and organs or cut them into bite-sized chunks. Cook them in vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Add The vegetables, turmeric, and ginger, and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from stove and let it cool. Serve the meat mix once cooled as it is, or mix with an equal amount of boiled rice to add volume.
Mixed Meal Jumbo

When preparing a meal for dogs, it’s often not possible to cook for them daily. Pet owners tend to cook in batches and store them for a week. The mixed meat jumbo is perfect for storing and lasts for a week without losing its taste or smell. Your labradoodle will love the jumbo mix for its taste as much as its ingredients.
- 8 cups Boiled Rice
- 5 lbs Shredded Turkey
- 5 oz Shredded Chicken
- 3 lbs Carrots
- 5 lbs Sweet Potatoes
- 5 lbs Frozen peas
- 12 Eggs
- 5 lbs Broccoli
NOTE: The above mix will last for one week for two dogs. So be prepared to have enough space in your refrigerator or freezer.
Prepare the rice separately as you would usually cook. In a separate dish (You may need a tub), add the shredded turkey, Chicken and Blend all the eggs in a food processor with the shells. Mix the Turkey ingredients thoroughly and bake the mix in an oven for 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Meanwhile, Blend the carrots, sweet potatoes, and Broccoli into small pieces. Use a food processor to get the small details and ensure there are no large chunks. Once Turkey is well cooked, let it cool and mix the vegetables with the meat. Add the boiled rice and mix again. Once satisfied, add the peas. Frozen peas tend to become mushy if added in the beginning. Once the mix is ready, separate it into 14 equal-sized containers. It should last your dog for two weeks.
Treats for Labradoodle You Can Store for Months
Beef Liver Jerky Treat

The liver is packed with nutrition your dog needs and fulfills the b12, Riboflavin, Vitamin a, and copper requirements of a dog in a small serving. Apart from being nutritious, it is also one of the few treats your dog will never get tired of, as it is delicious. Making liver jerky is as simple as dehydrating the liver. You could either sundry the liver or bake them in an oven on low heat. I am preheating the oven to 180 or 200 degrees. Cut the liver into thin slices. Grease a pan and layer the liver. Flip sides every 2 hours to ensure that it is evenly cooked. Once the liver turns stretchy and completely dehydrated, store them in an airtight container and refrigerate them.
Beef Liver Chunks Treats

Beef liver chunks are easy to make and take only 2-3 hours. You can store them in an airtight container and use them for months if stored in a refrigerator. You will need all-purpose flour, Beef liver, and one egg. To prepare the beef liver chunks, grind 5 oz of the beef liver with one egg and mix it with 5 oz of flour to make a dough. Add more flour if required to make sure that it is well binding. Once a bread-like dough is prepared, spread it one-inch thick across a baking tray—Bake for one hour at 350 degrees. Once cooled, cut them into cubes and store them in an airtight container.
Frozen Banana Peanuts Treats

This one is one of the easiest treats to prepare and needs only three ingredients. Place One hundred grams of all-purpose flour, 4 Bananas, and four tablespoons of peanut butter. Best to Mix all the ingredients to make a thicker dough. Add more flour if required. Make small balls of dough or cut them into desired shapes. Freeze for 4-5 hours to help maintain the shape. Use when needed, straight from the freezer. Dogs love peanut butter and bananas. The flour helps bind the ingredients together while adding a small number of carbs. The treat is healthy, and your dogs will love it. Do not treat your dog regularly with Frozen Food. Some Labradoodles are known to lose the taste of foods when routinely fed and may not be attracted to them.
Peanut Butter Coconut Treat

This simple recipe requires only two ingredients though you can add a bit of cinnamon to spice things up. One cup of All-natural Peanut butter and two tablespoons of coconut oil are the only ingredients you will require. Add one teaspoon of cinnamon (optional) and mix thoroughly. No cooking is necessary; all you have to do is set it in a silicone mold of the desired shape and freeze it. Once frozen, please remove it from the mold and store it in an airtight jar in a freezer. Dogs love peanut butter, and it’s healthy too.
Watermelon Yogurt Treats

A great treat for the summer, the watermelon yogurt treats are suitable for your dog and keep them cool. You need 2 cups of deseeded watermelon and 1 cup of yogurt. Puree the watermelon in a blender. Fill 3/4th of an ice cube tray with the pureed watermelon and top it off with yogurt. Freeze for 5-6 hours. Remove from the mold when storing in an airtight jar in a freezer.
Best Practices While Cooking for Your Labradoodle
- Cook the meat: While many dog owners recommend that you feed your dog raw, there are a few problems with raw Food. Raw Beef is desirable if you can be sure about the source of the meat. Unfortunately, for most people, it is not possible to determine where the Beef comes from and where it has been processed and packed. Chances of contamination are high in meat, and health hazards could be numerous. E Coli and salmonella are common in meat and eggs, especially when consumed raw. Cooking meat reduces the risk of health hazards in your dogs.
- Grind the meat: If your dog is not particularly fond of chewing and gobbling up the Food, you will need to grind the Food. Grinding ensures that there are no bones in the meat and that it’s safe for your dog’s consumption; this prevents choking hazards. Bloating is also a common problem when dogs swallow large pieces too quickly. Often, these problems could lead to fatal health problems that need immediate attention. Some dogs may require surgery, too, and they are expensive.
- Mix it up: While dog owners who are cooking for their dogs may be tempted to cook and store in lots, you need to consider your dog’s liking of the Food too. Repetitive consumption of the same Food may result in reduced absorption of nutrients and a lack of interest in Food for the dogs. Switching up the Food itself is good practice. When possible, add a unique ingredient to the already prepared food lot to give your dog a surprise. Adding fresh fish, An egg or a tablespoon of peanut butter to his meal could change the taste and smell of the Food, making the usually repetitive Food a completely new one.
- Super supplement your dog food: Preparing a supplement for your dog may sound ridiculous, but it is sometimes essential. Fortunately, it is easy too. Mixing Moringa leaves, Flax seed, ground nut, Kelp powder, Ginger powder, Turmeric powder, and Chia seeds, and place eggshells in a sealed container for months. All ingredients should be dry, and a tablespoon of the mix can be added to each meal, ensuring that the dog gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs in every single meal.
Ingredients to Add to Your Labradoodles Food on the Fly
While the Food is prepared and ready, you may find a few ingredients beneficial for your dog throughout its lifecycle. These ingredients can add value to the Food regarding nutrition and taste. While some of these ingredients may be available at your local store, others may be hard to find. If you can find them, add them to your dogs’ Food when possible.
- Ghee/butter: Ghee is clarified butter. They taste good and contain a range of nutrients in them. Considered a superfood, adding one tablespoon of ghee to your dog’s daily diet could improve its health. Ghee improves coat shine and metabolism and contains a high concentration of Omega 3s. Ghee is also cost-efficient; a kilo would last more than a month and a half.
- Yogurt: Yoghurt helps in better digestion and is a great probiotic. It is rich in calcium and phosphorus and benefits bone health. While milk is not always suitable for dogs, yogurt is a perfect addition. Make sure that there are no additives or sugar in the yogurt when you give them to your dogs.
- Coconut and coconut oil: Coconuts are packed with nutrition and fiber. 100 Grams of raw coconut contains 350 calories. A small coconut could weigh anywhere between 200-300 grams. Just one coconut could meet half your dog’s calorie requirements per day. They are rich in minerals, nutrients, and essential oil; they are also rich in iron and magnesium, among other nutrients.
- Herbs and Spices: Some herbs may enhance flavor and smell, but the primary purpose of herbs and spices in your dog food is to add vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to your dog. Turmeric, ginger, parsley, and burdock roots, are known to help your dog’s health. Adding a bit of green to your dog’s meal helps with a range of vitamins and minerals.
- Fruits and berries: Dogs do love sweet Food. Fruits are healthy and nutritious, and your dog will love them. Treating them with fruits is a good practice. If your dog is a fussy eater, consider adding them to their daily meal in small portions. Most dogs will munch on watermelon, apples, and mangoes. If they are particular, add ¼ cup of mixed fruits to your dogs’ Food. Berries are rich in antioxidants and can help your dog live a healthy, longer life.
How Much to Feed Your Labradoodle
There are times when answers are not straightforward. When it comes to the quantity of Food your labradoodle should consume per day, the amount depends on the dog’s size and age. Young dogs require nutrition when growing, while a full-grown adult dog’s nutrition requirements are stable. The quantity also varies depending on the dog’s size. Labradoodles come in standard, medium, and miniatures. The requirements for each of these dog sizes vary. The quantity also depends on the lifestyle of the dog. If the dog is active, it will require more Food than an inactive dog.
Requirements for Dog Size
2-3 Months | 4-6 Months | 7-9 Months | 9-12 Months | |
Miniature | 2-4 oz | 6-8 oz | 5-7 oz | 5-7 oz |
Medium | 10-16 oz | 18-24 oz | 16-22 oz | 18-22 oz |
Large | 22-34 oz | 34-46 oz | 36-44 oz | 38-50 oz |
Requirements for Adult Labradoodle by Size
- Miniature and Toy Labradoodle: 7-10 oz
- Medium size Labradoodle: 22-32 oz
- Large / Standard Labradoodle: 50-58 oz
The chart above is estimated, and you must consult a veterinarian to adjust the quantity of your dogs Food. As a rule, ensure that the Food in the bowl is not left sitting for more than 10 minutes after feeding your dog. Remove the Food after 10 minutes if your dog is not interested. You should also give an idea of the portion your dog has consumed, and you can adjust the quantity accordingly. Your veterinarian should be able to help you with the right amount of Food for your dog, especially when it is homemade. Unlike Kibble, homemade Food may require adjustments in quantity.
Pros and Cons of Homemade Food for Labradoodles
Homemade Food for dogs has its benefits, but they also come with a few drawbacks. One of the drawbacks is balance in nutrition. It is hard to balance the diet of a dog when it home cooked. While there may be a good amount of carbs or protein, it may lack minerals or vitamins. Keeping a check on nutrients is usually challenging. There are also concerns about the calorie requirement of each dog and how many calories should be sufficient for your growing dog. While kibble manufacturers have mastered the quantity and nutritional value for dogs, and some even go to the extent of creating dry Kibble for specific breeds, it is hard to develop a balanced diet for your dog, especially if you are a beginner. Below are some of the benefits of Homemade Food and some drawbacks too.
Benefits of Homemade Dog Foods for Your Labradoodle
- You know what goes into the Food. Dog owners do sometimes wonder what goes into the Kibble. With homemade Food, dog parents usually know what goes into the Food and the quality of the ingredients too. Most homemade dog food ingredients are human-grade and safe for human consumption.
- You can tailor the dog food to your dog’s requirements: Dog parents require a diet change which may not be possible with Kibble. Some dogs require that they go on low-fat or low-protein diets due to health conditions. Add more specific vitamins or minerals or reduce the carbs as needed. In such cases, Kibble is not an option, and you are usually forced to cook for your dog at home. It is especially true for dogs who require a special diet due to health conditions. Dogs with allergies are commonly not fed with Kibble as some ingredients may trigger their allergies.
- Your dogs love it: Dogs love Kibble, but dogs particularly like fresh meat. Raw meat is often considered healthy, and a recipe that contains raw meat may be tasty for your dogs in most cases.
- Cost: Homemade dog food could be cheaper than Kibble if planned correctly. The cost of one day’s dog meal could range from $2.5-$5. Include meat, vegetables, rice, and oil. The price for quality kibble could be anywhere between $5-$8 per day.
Drawbacks of Homemade Foods for Your Labradoodle
- The biggest drawback is the time invested in preparation. Preparing Food for your dog takes time and effort. From grocery shopping to cooking and storing in containers, it takes anywhere between 2-4 hours. Most dog owners stay away from cooking for their dogs for lack of time.
- Balanced diet: Creating a balanced diet is often challenging, and there may be chances that you are missing out on certain ingredients which may be essential to your dog. While the dog may feel satisfied with the meal itself, its nutrient requirements may not be fulfilled, resulting in health problems in the future. Regarding Kibble and store-bought Food, the diet is well-researched by experts, and they contain everything your dog requires.
- Inconvenience: While homemade foods are great for dogs at home, they are hard to carry when traveling. Most dog foods prepared at home are frozen for storage. Traveling with raw meat could be problematic. Kibble and dry Food, on the other hand, are much more convenient when traveling with your dog.
While many pet owners are moving towards homemade dog food, concerns or nutrition always loom in their minds. It’s essential to understand that not all commercial pet foods are bad for dogs. Good, naturally sourced dog foods are available in the market today and are well-researched. Occasionally feeding your dog with dry Kibble could be beneficial for your dogs. Kibble contains many nutrients that may be missing from your homemade Food, and mixing Kibble is not a bad idea. Ensure that the Kibble you purchase has natural ingredients and little to no preservatives.